1. Please perform a patch test prior to use to ensure there are no abnormal skin reactions.
2. With a pair of scissors, cut along the dotted lines as indicated on the foot packs.
3. Wear the Easy Packs on both feet after cleansing and drying. If the boots are too big, wrap and tape the excess. Please ensure that the gel doesn't leak or spread when wearing the cover.
4. Soak the foot for 30 mins, allowing the gel to absorb into the soles.
5. Take the Easy Packs off, then wash feet gently with soap.
6. The dead skin cells will become dry in 2-7 days after initial application. (the period of time till the result come out depends on individuals) Start the peeling process by rubbing each foot very gently with a clean cloth or the palm of your hand.
7. Dead skin cells will continue to peel naturally for about 1 week, leaving your feet soft and smooth. |