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Moisturizer & Cream

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*For extreme dry skin *Conditions associated with atopic eczema, diabetes and psoriasis *Chronic dry skin conditions *Dermatologically / clinically tested
B$ 18.10
*For normal to dry skin *The pH 5.5 promotes the natural barrier function of the skin's acid mantle *Dermatologically / clinically tested
B$ 26.10
"This lightweight cream moisturizer comes with 4 types of Hyaluronic Acid and Shea Butter to deliver intense moisture and nourishment to your skin.Suitable for normal/combination skin.
B$ 28.90
Hydrate and prime your skin for further care.
B$ 26.70
With a lightweight and fast absorbing formulation, this vegan Hydrating Light Moisturiser keeps skin moisturised and hydrated for up to 12 hours. Did you notice that this bottle is a little greyish? It’s because it's made from 100% recycled plastic! Dermatologically tested, non-comodegenic and hypoallergenic. No artificial colour, perfume or harsh chemicals that can upset your skin. Perfect for sensitive skin.
B$ 8.50
Clear Solution Daily Moisturiser is specially formulated with Tea Tree Oil, Papaya Enzyme, Papaya Enzyme & Willow Bark Extract and infused with Vitamin C to help soothe sensitive and irritated skin.
B$ 14.90
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